Aquarelas do Brasil

quinta-feira, 19 de maio de 2011


A simplicidade nos ajuda a calibrar os nossos valores e desejos, mas nunca nos faz pessoas ingênua.

( Carvão/Pastel Seco - papel Mi-Teintes colorido 32x50cm )

4 comentários:

  1. How have I missed these?
    In here I can see the formation of your stunning bright works. I feel privileged to have been able to catch a glimpse of how your mind is working.
    Great work, Nil xx

  2. I'm very happy to see your animation Pat.
    you are exercising your eyes to see the reasons with one another more creative and personal approach.
    Did you see that is not only a complicated way of reading nature in a more loose.
    Big hug my dear.

  3. Its like waking up, Nil!
    I could always see the bones underneath your other paintings, but this one is like a marker to me, showing me how to reach the colourful interpretation.
    *hugs* xx

  4. Pat is very gratifying to me that my work can add something in your way artistic.
    I am very happy :)
